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Step 1


Email Invitation


We’ll send you / your students (for teachers) an e-mail with a link to complete the questionnaire. We’ll set you up with everything you need to do this.

Step 2


Complete The Questionnaire Online


The questionnaire takes around 20 minutes to complete and asks the youth / student to answer questions on how they tend to behave in certain situations.

Step 3


Request Observers


Upon completion of the questionnaire, youth / students are asked to invite up to 6 friends who know them well to complete a quick 5-minute questionnaire about them. This is an integral part of the process and is included in the cost of each report.

Step 4


Receive the Report


You can have reports e-mailed directly to you, or in the case of a

teacher-student setting, we can send them to the students directly, to the teacher, or both. The report comes in a workbook, giving detailed personal guidance and advice based on the student’s Team Role behaviours.

Step 5


Complete the Report/Workbook


The workbook guides the youth / student through the report, helping them reflect on the information contained within it, and to compile a personal statement at the end.

Step 6


Share your Findings and Look for areas of Development


Discuss with your teachers / peers what you've discovered about yourself and look at which areas of development you would like to focus on. Reflect on how these findings can help you in your studies and career!





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